Thursday, 12 November 2009

Logging the Leaves!

A Birmingham 'inventor' has developed a supposedly 'carbon neutral' way of disposing of the 100 million tonnes of leaves shed annually by UK trees ( The patented 'Leaf Log' is made from dried leaves (that must take at least a little energy) and an unspecified bonding agent. The logs (sold individually wrapped in packs of 12) are said to burn for up to 3 hours and generate 28000 kilojoules of energy. This sounds like a great idea but, in one sense, the carbon in the leaves is actually being recycled to the atmosphere much more quickly than would be the case if the leaves were dealt with by combinations of earthworms, woodlice and fungi. Of course, in some locations (e.g. on roads and rail tracks) leaves have to be removed and converting this material to logs is probably better than putting the material in land fill. I can't help feeling that composting the material is a better option (in a carbon neutral sense).

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