Friday, 10 December 2010

A Star Turn?

The story that materials extracted from the slime surrounding Scottish starfish may prove to be of medical importance seems just a bit premature ( The starfish produce their 'goo' to prevent their surfaces being colonised by other species that surround them in their sea environment. In deed, the agents are described as being more effective than Teflon. The people involved in these studies suggest that these chemicals may give rise to drugs benefiting asthma, hay fever and arthritis patients. One could even suggest that drugs preventing materials sticking to the inside of blood vessels may result. What about chemicals preventing the build up of plaque on teeth? These materials are, however, a long way from generation (if they result at all). I seem to remember that claims about the plethora of potential agents to be extracted from marine organisms were made more than 30 years ago. There have been a few successes but these are very few and far between.

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