Friday, 30 September 2011

Himalayan Highlights 2. Butterflies

In terms of butterflies, there were skippers like the Grass demon (Usaspes folus), the Indian tortoiseshell (Aglais casmirensis) and the Indian Red admiral (Vanessa indica) outside the Tibet Cultural Centre. There were also Common earl (Tanaecia julii appiades) and long-tailed blues at the watergarden. Common panther (Phalanta phalanta) were seen at Buddhist temples. The Hidden Forest Retreat had Red helen (Papillo helenus) and a whole range of forest butterflies.

Himalayan Highlights 1. Moths

The group of Geography and Bioscience students that we took to Sikkim were excellent young folk. It turned out that we had two major methods of concentrating moths (from moon moths to clearwings- Syntomoides imaoni). One was the foldable moth trap that we took with us. The other was the giant, illuminated statue of Guru Padmasambhava bringing all these critters in from the surrounding hillsides. I haven't yet been able to get names for all the moths. Any help would be appreciated. The swallow-tailed moth is Asthenidia transversaria salax.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Shaken (but not Stirred)

I am currently in Gangtok (NE India) where we have had a 6.8 Richter Scale earthquake. Fortunately, everything is fine and we are surrounded by amazing animals and plants. I am posting a picture of a large Emperor moth (Loepa miranda) but will regale you with many more images on my return.

Food Security

Food security is the state of having reliable access to sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. The World Food Progr...