Monday, 5 January 2009

Detoxing the Detox 'Cures'

The organisation 'Sense About Science' has examined some of the claims made by 11 sellers of detox 'cures' for seasonal over-indulgence available in respectable UK shops( These included drinks, dietary supplements, special patches (for the feet) and a 'detox brush' that allegedly "stimulates the lymphatic system to help remove impurities and toxins from your skin". None of the 'treatments' appeared to have a clearly defined scientific basis (but when has this ever stopped sales to believers?). The scientists involved maintain (not unreasonably) that reducing smoking and alcohol ingestion might be more effective strategies. One might also add that watching what one eats might also be a good idea along with taking a bit of exercise. Our kidneys and liver (if they are in good working order) are excellent detox machines but the 'cures' may have placebo effects that help some individuals.


Unknown said...

My tired husband and I are currently on a New Year's 2 week detox with significantly modified diet and pills. I decided to keep track of it out my website and share recipes that actually taste good while you detox (not all of them were good but anyway). I'm sure the biggest effect of the detox is the modified diet more than the pills but by laying down some cash for the pills it makes us stick to the diet.

We are craving sweets like crazy but we are 25% of the way there. Read our journey each day over at


Paul Brain said...

Interesting comments- how did you arrive at your preferred treatment?

Unknown said...

To be honest, it would be convenience....

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