Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A Fistful for Frackers?

News that the UK Government is 'going all out for shale gas' by increasing the financial inducements for local councils to approve fracking licences is somewhat disconcerting (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jan/13/fracking-shale-gas-incentives-councils). This move is argued on the basis ensuring UK energy supplies (only if the quantities produced are truly impressive and other potential environmental issues are avoided) and increasing the number of jobs (only if they are semi-permanent and do not entirely consist of operatives bought in to do the activity). The burning of shale gas (as well as 'escaped' methane) would do little to limit the build up of 'greenhouse gases'. It is, perhaps, also pertinent to note, according to some writers (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/13/flooding-public-spending-britain-europe-policies-homes) note that the same government seems to be responding in an unintelligent way to the recent UK flooding of homes by advocating policies that reduce areas with trees (trees on sites result in absorption of  much more rain water than fields). Agricultural subsidies only go to areas that lack trees and shrubs meaning that there is even an incentive to remove these 'obstacles' from upland areas. People are also being encouraged to straighten and dredge rivers to increase flow through, even though this is known to direct water to built up areas that are prone to flooding. Concrete barriers are not only relatively inefficient but concrete production is one of the largest generators of carbon dioxide.

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