Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Blue Sky: Green Grass?

People perceive green and blue colours differently. Dr Marisse Masis-Solano has devised a simple colour discrimination test. The ismy.blue test, presents the user with a graded series of hues. Each time, users are prompted, to say whether they see the screen as blue or green. There's a point in the sequence, when all users switch their labels. This point, however, varies from user to user. The results show there's a continuum (spectrum) of people in terms of their being predisposed to see blue rather than green (and vice versa) (https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/2024/sep/16/blue-green-viral-test-color-perception). These results are intriguing. They could be produced by variations in the retina's cones in the eye. They could also reflect how the brain's visual cortex interprets the input. There may be a genetic component. Irrespective, it confirms that people perceive their sensory worlds in slightly different ways. Perhaps a reason why the reliability of witness statements in law courts should be 'taken with a pinch of salt'?

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