Saturday, 28 September 2024

England 'Capitulating' To the Virus?

Omicron is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. England is currently in the grip of omicron subvariants of Covid19. This (we are in danger of running out of Greek letters?), is a clear illustration of how rapidly this virus has adapted to counter the medical defences of its relatively 'new' human hosts. Hospital admissions for Covid19 infections, as well as data from sentinel 'spotter' laboratories confirm that this virus is maintaining its hold on the population ( British immunologists are advocating a wider vaccine booster 'roll out'. They also suggest an increase in testing for the virus. These changes could slow down infection rates and/or reduce the incidence of disease in vulnerable cohorts. They will not, however, to stop Covid19 becoming a 'fact of life' in English populations, like seasonal influenza. Regular updates, for the latest viral versions, will be required far into the future. Easy access to tests for infection are difficult and costly to obtain. It's almost as if the recent pandemic has faded from public consciousness?

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