Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Demise of McNutkin?

It seems that the Scots are also intent on declaring war on the Grey squirrel (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/feb/10/grey-squirrels-cull-wildlife-conservation) as well as a number of other introduced aliens (including the American mink as well as hedgehogs in some island locations) in an attempt to protect their indigenous reds. The problems created for Red squirrels by its larger, more vigorous and sometimes (squirrel) pox-ridden American cousin are well-documented. Considerable debate is being generated, however, about the ethics of favouring one species by decimating another (the frequent claim is that succession is natural anyway) as well as whether it is really realistic to attempt to eliminate greys from a country like Scotland (success seems more likely if there is a limited aim to create grey-free zones on islands such as Mull). This one seems certain to run and run!


Caroline Gill said...

I read about this on the Scottish Government site this morning.

Paul Brain said...

Thanks for the link. It's interesting that the Reds are Scottish but the Greys apparently not!

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