Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Seeing the Changes 395

In Bynea, lots of Red dead nettle (Lamium purpureum), Pineapple mayweed (Chamomilla suaveolens), Wall speedwell (Veronica arvensis) and Marsh willowherb (Epilobium palustre) were in flower. A Yellow tail moth (Euproctis similis) caterpillar chomped on Sweet chestnut.


Caroline Gill said...

What a fine moth. We enjoyed seeing our first Beautiful Demoiselles of the year (about 2 weeks earlier than last year) ... here.

Caroline Gill said...

P.S. I meant caterpillar!

Paul Brain said...

It is a developing moth. In the same way that an undergraduate is a developing graduate (well mostly).

Paul Brain said...

Beautiful demoiselles are excellent and the timing change is very interesting.

Paul Brain said...

I have put a whole bunch of caterpillars on Facebook. Some are extraordinary.

Caroline Gill said...

... will see if I can locate them, Paul.

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