Friday, 26 January 2018

Wolfie in Europe

A considerable debate seems to be developing around the reintroduction of the wolf in Europe ( Wolf populations have migrated from Italy into France and from Poland to Germany. Animals have been recorded in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark. This has led to calls (mainly by politicians relying on the votes of farmers) for substantial culls in France, Germany, Finland and Norway. Some of these have been challenged (to date, unsuccessfully by the WWF). There are a number of points to note- 1) these predators have beneficial effects in some localities by reducing over-grazing by deer and other animals; 2) you can never be a 100% certain that wild predators will not kill or injure humans or their domestic animals (but, if we can't accommodate the wolf, how can be ask people in other parts of the world to look after tigers, lions, crocodiles and sharks?) and 3) it is possible to minimise negative effects as in the case of Germany's wolf commissioners who encourage farmers to employ electric fencing and guard dogs for their animals. 

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