Thursday, 29 March 2018

Retinoids to the Rescue?

There is considerable concern about the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria (largely driven by over-prescribing and use, by farmers, in meat production). A tiny boost has been received with news from animal research that two retinoids (relatives of vitamin A), developed to treat acne and skin cancer, seem to have potential for use in countering MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections ( These retinoids (in combination with an antibiotic) seem to make the membranes of this bacterial species more leaky (a bit like the actions of complement proteins). Unfortunately, these drugs do not appear effective against other so-called  'latent' (generally dormant but capable of being activated) infections but they do offer a new line of investigation for a currently intractable problem.   

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Vaccine Cuts to the World's Poorest?

  The cuts in USAID will have devastating effects on vaccination programmes in many parts of the world (