Thursday, 25 October 2007

Badgering the Badgers

The outgoing Scientific Adviser to the Government (Sir David King) has recommended culls of badgers in 'selected' areas of the UK to help curb the spread of Bovine TB in cattle( He apparently said, in a report to DEFRA, that culling badgers was the "best option available at the moment to reduce the reservoir of infection in wildlife". This recommendation is at variance with the conclusions of Professor John Bourne's 10-year Independent Scientific Group (,,2198548,00.html). They concluded that culling caused other badgers in the area to migrate, spreading the infective agent around the targeted zone. The Badger Trust regard the new position as 'caving in' to the farming lobby whereas the National Farmer's Union feel the statement offers 'scientific support' for their enthusiasm for badger culling. Professor Bourne is not happy, describing Sir David's recommendations as being "hastily written", "superficial" and "selective". This is another area where it will be impossible to please all parties.

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