Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Chocolate- the New Crack?

We normally associate the country of Columbia with the problems associated with the cocaine trade. However, one unexpected consequence of trying to turn farmers away from the cultivation of the Coca bush has had some unexpected consequences (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/may/12/colombia.food). The Columbian government has tried to encourage people to substitute Palm oil (used in biofuels, cakes, chocolate, margarine and soaps) for Coca. Many people in the UK are (largely unknowing) consumers of such the oil (obvious, given our passion for sweet things and crisps). In deed, about 25% of Columbia's Palm oil comes to this country. Columbia is the 5th largest producer in the world of Palm oil and currently allocates 350,000 hectares (a doubling in the last 4 years) to this activity. Palm oil is now apparently such a lucrative crop, it has led to land displacements and even killings of farmers in Columbia by paramillitary groups. Makes me feel even more guilty about that piece of chocolate!

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