Monday, 11 March 2013

Back to the Middle Ages?

The whole issue of antibiotic resistant bacteria has come into focus again ( It has been pointed out that many new antibiotic resistant strains have been developed in hospitals and elsewhere (aallegedly with some help of patients insisting on being given the drugs even for viral infections and then failing to complete prescribed courses and the use of antibiotics in farming to boost meat production). We appear to have a rather restricted range of types of antibiotics (many developed decades ago) and drug companies seem to be less willing to invest resources in finding new antibiotics as these drugs are only taken sporadically for a short period (so the associated profits are likely to be limited). With the development of bacterial strains that are resistant to currently all available antibiotics, we may effectively return to a pre-antibiotic age when slight injuries and common operations become potentially life-threatening. Ideas on how to boost our range chemical armamentarium are being kicked around.

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Wooden Tops 16. Hawthorn

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