Sunday, 12 November 2017

Scratching the Bottom

The great success of Blue Planet 2 on BBC has apparently provided a big boost for companies offering commercial submarine tours in many parts of the globe ( Tours may shortly be available to view the wreck of the Titanic deep in the Atlantic as well as to marvel at marine life in the Pacific, the Arctic and the Antarctic. In one sense, it is nice that people are enthused by the programmes but there are some downsides to this trend. Rather obviously, the increased submarine activity might well further damage (mechanically and by chemical and light pollution) some of the chosen locations. In addition, the punters may well not realise that the action in the programme is, in many cases,  the result of careful editing of hundreds of hours of recording  (they may consequently be disappointed by what they see). Finally, some of the new aquanauts are likely to be physically and emotionally problematic submariners.

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