Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Seeing the Changes 1326

Lots of changes since I was last at Swansea University, Bay Campus. Kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria); Sand catchfly (Silene conica); Marsh hawksbeard (Crepis paludosa); Prickly sow-thistle (Sonchus asper); Common field speedwell (Veronica persica); Early forgetmenot (Myosotis ramosissima); Marsh violet (Viola palustris); Wild pansy (Viola tricolor)and Common storksbill (Erodium cicutarium) in flower. There were also fungi on the dunes and mating Spotted crane-fly (Nephrotoma appendiculata).

Monday, 29 April 2019

Seeing the Changes 1325

Long-head poppy (Papaver dubium) and Black medick (Medicago lupulina) were flowering in Bynea.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

It All Depends on the Attention Span?

The call for declaring a Climate Emergency (https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=Greenpeace+Climate+Emergency+Petition&qpvt=greenpeace+climate+emergency+petition&FORM=EWRE) seems to be gathering some support (both nationally and politically) but I wonder how long media interest will actually last. People (of many political hues) still generally talk about economic factors (e.g. jobs and cheaper prices) as if such issues cancel out the need to take action 'just now or in this precise case'.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Training Our Sights

If Greta (aged 16) and her father can work out how to get from Sweden, to a number of European cities (where she was making presentations), including London, it should not be beyond the wit of others to do something similar to reduce their carbon footprint (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/26/greta-thunberg-train-journey-through-europe-flygskam-no-fly). Having said that, there does appear to be a relative lack of specialist advice on trans-European train journeys and trains, in the UK, are essentially only regarded as money-making exercises (for companies awarded the routes). It should be possible to ban air travel over routes that are well-served by train and to financially reward people for making this choice.

Thursday, 25 April 2019


News that some 'activists' have signalled their displeasure that legal presentation by Chris Packham and colleagues have made it more difficult for them to shoot 'pest' crows and wood pigeons, by leaving dead crows on the presenter's home fences seems a bit excessive (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/25/dead-crows-left-at-chris-packhams-home-in-row-over-killing-pest-birds). He has simply argued for it to be a requirement that they obtain a licence, if they intend to kill the birds. A 'pest' is an organism operating where you don't want it to be and there may well be cases  (for example, where conservation of endangered bird species are involved) that will be facilitated by driving away predator crows or 'bullying' wood pigeons. I do think, however, that the decision to cull should not simply remain in the hands of the land owner. If they are confident with their arguments, convincing the authorities should be no problem?

Seeing the Changes 1323

A few more flowers. Marsh willowherb (Epilobium palustre) in Loughor and Silverweed (Potentilla anserine) in Bynea.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Seeing the Changes 1322

More blooms in Bynea with Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and Common vetch (Vicia sativa).


After being informed for years that the tongue only detects tastes, there is now evidence that it also has olfactory (smell) detectors (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/apr/24/smells-delicious-our-tongues-can-detect-odours-study-suggests). I am not certain, however, whether this new knowledge will really be of much help in combatting the obesity epidemic.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Seeing the Changes 1321



Lots more flowers in Bynea including Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus); Ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare); Hoary plantain (Plantago media); Shining cranesbill (Geranium lucidum); yellow and white forms of Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum); White clover (Trifolium repens) and Red clover (Trifolium pratense).

Seeing the Changes 1320


In Loughor, Holly (Ilex aquifolium) and Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) were in flower. Lots of Rampling fumatory (Fumaria capreolata) was in bloom. Invaded by a Many-plumed moth (Alucita hexadactyla).

Monday, 22 April 2019

Seeing the Changes 1319


In Bynea, Cultivated apple (Malus domesticus) and Bitter vetchling (Lathyrus montanus) were in bloom. Meanwhile, back in Loughor, Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) and Yellow oxalis (Oxalis corniculate) were in flower. A Holly blue (Celestrina argiolus) zoomed around the garden.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Seeing the Changes 1318

Spent a couple of days in Ludlow (Shropshire). The hedgerows were full of Greater stitchwort (Stellaria holostea); Garlic mustard (Alliaria pertiolata); Blue-eyed mary (Omphalodes verna); Cowslip (Primula veris); Wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca); White dead-nettle (Lamium album) and Red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum). Also visited by a Carpet moth and a Buff ermine (Spilosoma luteum).

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Saint David Strikes!

David Attenborough finally delivered a BBC prime slot unapologetically (i.e. without bogus 'balance' from deniers ) confirming that Climate Change is real and that we (possibly at best?) have a few years to avoid the very worst of the consequences (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47976184). It was gratifying that he did not claim that the argument should be left to the 'adults' (the young activists were presented in a positive light). There were one or two minor inconsistencies. It could been stated that wind turbines and hydroelectric developments also require initial additions to the  carbon foot-print before they produce 'green electricity' (in this way, they are not too different from the washing machines the programme suggested should be made to last rather than being disposable). It will be interesting to see whether this message leads to political action (our system doesn't deal well with longer time scales i.e. anything greater than 5 years).

Seeing the Changes 1317


On the cliffs between Langland and Caswell, there were appearances by Thrift (Armeria maritima); Sun spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia); Tormentil (Potentilla erecta); Sweet violet (Viola odorata); Early purple orchid (Orchis mascula); Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) and Red valerian (Centanthus ruber) .

Life On Mars?

 A mudstone sample was taken from Mars's Gale crater. This rock was billions of years old, from what may have been an old lake. A locati...