Friday, 27 December 2024

Chemtrials of the Chemtrails

 Oliver Millman describes the resurgence of the Chemtrails ‘conspiracy theory’ (calling these things 'theories' is a gross misuse of the term). The Chemtrails fixation maintains (with no evidence) that the plumes of ice crystals emitted at high altitudes by jet engines, are laced with mind and/or fertility- altering chemicals ( The idea has recently been given a boost by suggestions that geo-engineering of the atmosphere might provide a partial solution to climate change. The icy contrails from jet engines do have an impact on global heating. Unfortunately, all they do is boost the retention of solar radiation, making the problem worse. Scientists, who have found no evidence of added chemicals, have received death threats. Such is the role of most ‘conspiracy theories’?

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Seeing the Changes 2120

The Bynea, Coltsfoot ( Tusillago farfara ) was peeping through.