Friday, 6 December 2024

A Master Class in Greenwashing?

Coca Cola is a brand producing much of the planet's plastic pollution. Its 'pledges' however, have very short lives. In 2022, the company promised that, by 2030, 25% of its drinks would come in refillable or returnable glass or plastic containers. These refillable contains could be taken to special Coca cola 'fountains'. Coca cola appear to have quietly dropped this 'pledge'. They now 'aim' to use 35-40% recycled material in their 'primary packaging'. Apparently, 30-35% of this will be recycled plastic ( Coca cola's 'aims' and 'pledges' appear to be infinitely 'moveable feasts'. Some folk regard their statement as 'a master class in greenwashing'. It's uncertain, however, if anyone currently takes them seriously?

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