Friday, 20 December 2024

Old Man Boomer

Male boomers (the generation born after the second World War, roughly from 1946 until 1964) are, in some cases, finding it difficult to 'act their age'. Due to advances in medical sciences, many are now living some 30 years longer than their forebears. Living longer, however, doesn't always mean retaining the physical (and mental?) capacity to 'keep on keeping on'. Occasionally, they have to be reminded of things they should no longer attempt (like climbing on roofs) ( I've always thought of myself as a boomer. Somewhat worryingly, however, I find that I might be one of the last of the pre-boomers (born 1945). The war in Europe had finished but...? Although one shouldn't put others at risk with our actions, I'm still convinced that reasonable exercise of the body and the mind, keeps us useful for longer. Perhaps we just need to become more sensitive to legitimate concerns of our children and grandchildren? The point is that male boomers are having to explore a different lifetime landscape.

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Seeing the Changes 2120

The Bynea, Coltsfoot ( Tusillago farfara ) was peeping through.