Thursday, 16 April 2009

A Load of Pollacks

I have simmered over the story that Sainsburys is reportedly trying to sell more Pollack, in place of more expensive and endangered Cod, by replacing its cringe-making name with 'Colin' ( Firstly, Colin is French for Hake (a completely different fish) or the American partridge, so the replacement name is not, in any sense, appropriate. Secondly, can people be really so squeamish about using the right name for the right organism (isn't a piece of Cod a bit rude)?


Anonymous said...

Nice plate of fish'n'chips, Prof. I heard that one in the news - my sentiments exactly. Pollacks to Sainsbury's. Besides which, the name change could stir an outbreak of attacks with salt and vinegar on people called Colin.

Paul Brain said...

What you might call 'a salt and battery'

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