Thursday, 18 March 2021

Home on the Gas Range?

A study from the University of California, Davis reports that the emissions of methane from cattle, can be reduced by 82%, simply by adding a 'small amount' of seaweed to their diet ( Methane is a very potent 'greenhouse gas' and is produced (mainly by burping) as cows digest their food (aided by bacteria in their digestive system). The addition in the study of the seaweed, Asparagopsis taxiformis, to the fodder of dairy and beef cattle, greatly reduced methane production in both groups. This was done without, it is claimed, changing the flavour of milk or beef. This marked reduction in methane generation could make the raising of cattle less problematic, in terms of global heating. It would be of interest to determine if all seaweeds had similar actions. It is also important, to establish the precise mechanism for achieving the methane reduction (there may be side-effects on the cows).

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Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...