Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Back To The 'Library'?

There's a growing trend for people renting, rather than owning, things. This has been extended to children's clothing (they grow quickly); dresses; power tools; furnishings; cooking devices etc.; etc. The companies involved, have 'libraries' of their offerings on websites, from which participants, for a fee, can choose items. These are despatched and later 'returned'. In some cases, items that become 'beloved' can eventually be purchased. In some surveys, 1 in 10 people have used these 'money saving' schemes (https://www.theguardian.com/money/article/2024/may/06/how-rental-libraries-of-things-have-become-the-new-way-to-save-money). It is, of course, not just money that's saved by these 'libraries of things'. The participants save on having limited space taken up by items that are no longer utilised (or used very infrequently). They also don't have to dispose of unneeded/out-dated pieces of equipment, clothes etc. These schemes aren't rocket science. We have 'rented' places to live; cars to drive and seats on planes, for decades. These 'libaries' could, however, have a major impact on manufacture, repurposing and disposal. They could be a very major way of reducing waste of limited resources. They will prove a challenge to manufacturers, as they may not be able multiple versions of their products. It could hit innovation?

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  Climate change and bird 'flu appear to be decimating UK garden bird populations. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) ...