Tuesday 4 June 2024

Drops in the Ocean?

Yet another 'benefit' of privatisation for the English Water companies? More than 360 instances of tapwater, flagged as being unfit for human consumption, have been recorded since 2021. Over this period, however, only three companies (Southern Water; South West Water and Wessex Water) received fines from the Drinking Water Inspectorate (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/04/regulator-prosecutions-unsafe-drinking-water-england-wales). It's very likely that water unfit for human consumption, often goes unreported. The cryptosporosis outbreaks in Devon and South London, strongly suggest that prosecutions need be more frequent and fines more eye-watering. It seems, however, these monopolies are not allowed to financially fail. They are essentially protected by their privatised status.

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Seeing the Changes 2096

Autumnal weather. Conical brittlestem ( Psathyrella conopilus ) and Gymnopilus junonius fungi in Loughor. A second blooming of Common toad...