Thursday, 6 February 2025

Cool For Cats

 Pets produce political ruptions. Panic erupted in Scotland, when some folk assumed their cats were going to be banned. In the UK, pet cats annually kill circa 27 million wild birds. The independent (non-governmental) Scottish Animal Welfare Committee had published its recommendations on responsible cat ownership. One suggestion was that new housing developments in selected rural areas with  red-listed (seriously endangered) bird species, might consider banning cat ownership. This resulted in senior politicians having to clarify that a country-wide cat ban wasn't on their agenda  ( Folk take any challenge to their dog or cat, very personally. It's interesting how few pet owners actually consider the carbon footprint of their home-based carnivore. This might be a potential sales pitch for companies making pet food and treats by cultivating animal cells in vats (it generates much less carbon dioxide and occupies less land). Some owners, however, would be less likely to give 'tiddles' this food, than to eat it themselves.

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