Friday, 3 August 2018

Fracking to the Heart

It now appears that atmospheric pollution, even in relatively rural areas, not only damages the lungs but has a profound negative impact on the human heart ( The changes increase the risk of heart disease in many people (probably in other animals around us also) and it yet another cause of illness and premature death. When this observation is combined with the claim that the UK Government buried a report for 3 years that concluded that fracking (the extraction of gas from shale deposits) would greatly increase atmospheric pollution around the wells (, only releasing it after granting the first fracking licence in Lancashire. Economics clearly trumps our health (I seem to remember that a Mr Johnson, when mayor of London, was reported to have sat on a report of air pollution levels around schools in the city). The strange thing is that the substantial costs (not to mention the agony) of the health problems never appear to be factored into such economic calculations. 

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