Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Polluters Get EU Freebies!

The Environmentalist mantra is 'that the polluter should pay'. That doesn't appear to happen in the European Union (EU), where they are given free carbon permits (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/29/big-polluters-given-almost-100bn-in-free-carbon-permits-by-eu). The World Wide Fund for Nature analysed the costs of the free carbon permits, given by the EU, to 'energy intensive sectors' from 2013-2021. The energy intensive sectors were steel, cement, chemical and aviation. These sectors are, of course, major producers of 'greenhouse gas' emissions. Over the nine years in question, the free carbon permits totalled nearly 100 billion euros (£86bn). These permits were issued with no conditions. They were not required to reduce their carbon 'footprints' or energy useage over time. Even more weirdly, some polluters were able to add billions to their profits by selling unused permits. This EU scheme seems very poor value for money. The EU's energy intensive sectors are, however, a powerful bunch, with many employees and considereable political clout. Politicans always seem willing to use tax payer money to keep such sectors 'sweet'.

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Seeing the Changes 2127

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