Thursday, 24 November 2022

Sewage Release: An All-Weather Sport

The organisation, Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) give evidence in a report, that the UK's privatised water companies release raw sewage into coastal waters, when it's not even raining ( As a special dispensation, UK water companies were allowed to release sewage from their treatment plants, when there was a serious risk of flooding. This is the case, of course, when there is torrential and chronic rain. The water companies have even been trusted to self-report such events (there is, anyhow, little chance of agencies catching and prosecuting them). The privatised water companies have always appeared much more focused on rewarding their shareholders and CEO's than spending money on updating their installations. If what SAS claim is true, it's very clear confirmation that the water companies will do anything to save themselves money. They really don't care about human health or the environment.

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