Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Why Are Humans Obsessed with Being 'Unique'?

Humans have repeatedly claimed to be the only animal capable of doing X and Y. They maintained they were the only beast capable of making and using tools. It now transpires that many other vertebrates do this. Humans also suggested that only they could interpret their image in a mirror. Again, not true. Our species then claimed to be the only animal that used 'language'. Not true, either. Still, we are the only beasts who point out 'interesting' objects to members of our own species. This also seems unlikely to be a unique property of our species (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/nov/14/cool-leaf-study-records-chimp-showing-off-object-in-human-like-way). One has to strive to avoid anthropomorphism ('humanising' actions), when interpreting the behaviour of other species. A video record of adult chimpanzee appears to have an adult primate showing off a leaf to his mother in a very 'human-like' way. The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, looked at Chimpanzees in Uganda's Kibale National Park. The animal in question removed and 'groomed' a leaf, before making repeated attempts to 'show' it to his mother. The leaf wasn't a food item. It actually seems very unlikely that humans have a specific skill or attribute distinguishing them from the rest of the animal kingdom. Something that works for one species, can always work for another. Humans, however, seem obsessed with not being dismissed as 'mere animals'.

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Seeing the Changes 2127

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