Sunday, 6 November 2022

The Thing About Tipping Points?

The UN's World Meteorological Organization has pointed out, that inspite of the worldwide Covid19 lockdowns, the last 8 years have been the hottest on record. By this, they mean, of course, the hottest since humans recorded weather temperatures (its been hotter in geological time). The UN now generally accepts that the Paris Accord (limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Centigrade above pre-Industrial levels), is 'barely within reach'. It's also been suggested that the planet is 'on course' to reach climatic 'tipping points' ( Tipping points are changes that, once exceeded, cannot be reversed. The problem with tipping points is that they are not clearly signposted. Tipping points do not have signs saying 'approaching the tipping point, now'. The only way we can be certain we have exceeded a tipping point, is when we try (and fail) to reverse it. We really don't want to get close to dabbling in such things.

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