Friday, 21 April 2023

Muck Spreaders!

Councillors in Stockport (Greater Manchester) have abandoned their plans to create a green space for the public on waste land. Soil, in the chosen area, is so contaminated with leached sewage, it's thought to pose a risk to human and tree health ( United Utilities is the privatised water company, operating in this area. It was the most polluting English water company last year. Ten of the country's 20 pipes spilling the most raw sewage last year, belong to United Utilities. Environment Agency data reveals that, last year, United Utilities discharged raw sewage on the Stockport site, 135 times. That's equivalent to 40 continuous days of sewage flow! The privatised companies don't just contaminate the rivers and coastal waters, they spread muck on our green (and in some places, unpleasant?) land. They do this simply to save money for their shareholders and CEOs. The solution for the Stockport councillors could be relevatively simple. Firstly, stop United Utilities (or its replacement) discharging raw sewage in that area. Secondly, cordon off the area for a few years (for human health protection). Thirdly, leave the transformation to nature. Creating their green space will take longer (than tree planting) but it will still happen. The result might even prove more naturalistic and vibrant.

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