Friday, 21 April 2023

McClimate Change?

The McDonald's hamburger chain seems proud of its climate change actions. It, of course, has long encouraged over-eating, rearing of climate-busting cattle, destruction of the Brazilian rainforest (to grow soya for cattle feed) etc. McDonald's has now been recently revealed, to have supported London's Metropolitan police, in their attempts to 'deal' with (in some cases illegally) climate change demonstators ( Extinction Rebellion (XR) carried out major demonstations in central London. At this time, 6 London McDonalds outlets in the area, offered police free hot drinks, half-price burgers, use of toilets and places (after 11 pm) to sit quietly. It's appreciated that demonstations are likely to hit sales in fast food outlets. McDonalds was, however, perhaps ill-advised to offer the police such direct support? The Metropolitan police, themselves, seemed to appreciate this. They advised their officers not to be too 'upfront' about the deals. Perhaps McDonalds dismissed XR protestors, as being unlikely to eat any burgers? If so, it was purely a commercial decision?

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