Saturday, 27 July 2024

Norway: A Schizoenvironmentalist Country?

Norway has an electricity grid, running almost entirely on renewables (largely hydro- and wind-power). Norwegian citizens are also likely to drive an E-vehicle and use a heat pump for home central heating. As a group, they wax enthusiastic about fish, forests and fjords. The ultimate green nation? This impression is in stark contrast to the fact that Norway digs more petroleum per citizen, than Russia; Iran; North America and even Saudi Arabia ( One might say Norway has become 'schizoenvironmentalist' i.e. confused in its response to the climate challenge. A less kindly label, already applied by some, is that it's 'hypocritical'. Government responses are, of course, rarely fully 'in tune' with the attitudes of its citizens. Adding to the 'National Wealth Fund' is clearly popular. Planting trees is also a good thing to do. Perhaps, however, the time has come for leaving more Norwegian fossil reserves 'in the ground'? You can't 'save the planet', by increasing the extraction of fossil fuels!

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