Monday, 17 March 2025

The 'Slickers': Deep in the Heart of Texas?


The fossil-fuel companies are gathered in Houston for their CeraWeek. Only last year, these 'slickers' were boasting of their 'sustainability' plans. Now, they all talk of 'energy abundance' (so long as they don't have to reduce prices). The major concern of the fuel-fuel companies has always been, to keep the profits rolling in, without having to pay for the costs of their product's environmental damages. Some of the executives at CeraWeek even maintained that global warming is merely a  'side-effect' of modernization. US environmentalists argue that their government will "soon find that it's not possible to 'dominate' the environment without making the American public suffer the consequences  ( Climate experts have long warned that fossil fuel production must be quickly curbed to avert climate breakdown. This US production acceleration, not only brings local climate breakdown closer, it will have global repercussions. Some countries, as viable locations for human life, will simply disappear. Their residents are likely to be outraged by the prospect. Global heating is not something that can be 'switched' on and off. 'Greenhouse' gases remain in the atmosphere for decades. We may also pass 'tipping points', where it becomes impossible to reverse the climate changes. Fossil-fuel companies (and their facilitators) may, too late, become as popular as bankers after a global financial crash. 

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Birder's Bonus 245

Waders on the Loughor estuary. Spotted a male Siskin ( Carduelis spinus ) at about the same location on land.