Sunday, 2 September 2018

Parking the Problem?

A report has suggested that the parks, historically created in London and other major UK cities (often by benefactors), are currently undergoing an insidious change in their use ( The parks were originally a source of civic pride and were viewed as locations where the general population could freely seek calm and relaxation. It appears now that the financial pressures being felt throughout local government, has resulted in councils dramatically increasing their hiring out of such locations to music festivals and other activities. This, of course, results in the local population being excluded from the parks whilst the event in underway (as well as exposing them to increases in light and noise pollution, along with littering). One could add (although not considered in the report) that many of the animals that live in the parks are also subject to disturbance and some might well be driven from the area. It is understood that councils feel compelled to maximise the revenue that 'their' parks generate but it does change the entire relationship of parks to people.

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