Friday, 10 April 2020

We Need a More Powerful WHO?

At present the World Health Organisation (WHO) seems to be in a very difficult place given shortfalls in its funding; direct antagonisms with a number of funding countries and the fact that, although it can advise, it has no means of compelling (increasingly self-centred) governments to follow its guidance ( In the past (when it was more respected), it did have notable successes with the eradication of Smallpox and the containing of SARS but, in the present climate, politicians don't like to be told what to do (especially if it interferes with 'trade'). I personally feel that, given the fact that pandemics are no respecters of national boundaries and our world is so interconnected, a beefed-up WHO equivalent (with teeth) is needed. Of course, some people would dismiss this as a ruling of the planet by a shadowy cartel but it should be self-evident that we are currently in a very exposed situation. Covid-19 is unlikely to be a unique challenge to human health.

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