Friday, 19 February 2021

Vaccines: For the Herd or For Leverage?

Covid-19 vaccines are being used very differently by, on one hand, Canada, the UK and the US and, on the other, by China, India and Russia ( The former bloc seem largely intent on striving for rapid herd immunity in their own populations, before wheeling out the vaccines (often via the UN) to the rest of the world. That bloc also appears largely happy to view vaccines as purely money-making enterprises by pharmaceutical companies. The latter bloc appear to see vaccines as 'diplomatic tools' that can be used to increase their influence and curry favour. Between them, China and Russia have supplied more than 800 million doses of vaccine to 41 countries (sometimes released with great fanfares). Perhaps vaccine diplomacy is most strikingly illustrated by India? The Serum Institute of India was given the information to make the Oxford University/ AstraZeneca vaccine. So, they were given the information to produce a jab designed by an English University and manufactured/marketed by a Swedish/UK pharmaceutical company. Delhi have now sent the vaccine to neighbouring governments in South Asia (often where they compete with China), prominently labelled 'Gift from the People and Government of India'. How to make friends and influence people?

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