Sunday, 28 February 2021

A Pregnant Pause?

Women (especially those, in their 30s, considering having a baby) already have lots to worry about. Totally unfounded claims, now circulating on some social media, suggest being vaccinated against Covid-19, could impair fertility ( One of these claims has even been made by a disgruntled former employee of Pfizer. He suggests the vaccine can attack the placenta. All medical bodies with a focus on the mother and her baby, have emphasised that there is no biological mechanism, whereby the vaccine could impair fertility. They have also noted that, being infected with Covid-19, can be extremely dangerous to the woman and her unborn/newborn child. It is, however, very difficult to effectively counter the existing misinformation. It is, of course, not helped by the current embargo on offering the vaccines to pregnant or breastfeeding women (although this is largely down to the vaccines not having been tested yet in these people). Vaccine 'hesitancy' is likely to be more of a problem as we get to the younger age groups.

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