Saturday, 27 February 2021

Switching Off Our Atlantic Heating System?

The UK 'neck of the woods' has always been warmer than one would expect from its northerly latitude. Andrew Meijers (British Antarctic Survey) has pointed out that our privileged weather (we do like to talk about it), depends to a large extent on the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation (AMOC). This is a powerful current that brings heat energy northward at a rate equivalent to 10 Hiroshima bombs per second ( Meijers points out that the AMOC is a global 'tipping point'. It's strength has declined by 15% since it was first measured in 1871. The AMOC, now at its weakest for more than a thousand years. This decline seems directly related to human-mediated climate change. Modelling and the use of 'proxy measurements' (it's difficult to measure changes directly), suggest the current's strength might well halve by 2100. The weather here would be generally colder. There would be less summer rainfall, resulting in declining growth of crops. Ocean productivity of fish would also fall dramatically. These all sound like excellent self-interested reasons to drive down climate change. Save our AMOC!

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