Saturday, 20 February 2021

Finland's Nerd Immunity

In the 2019 media literacy rankings for Europe, Finland emerged top and the UK 12th (near the bottom). Finland's success was achieved by a 2014 decision, to embed media literacy into the curriculum for all school children ( ). From the age of 6, children in Finland are taught to critically read sources. Pupils are even encouraged to bring items into school, to be fact checked and evaluated. Websites are also examined for their truthfulness (perhaps including this one?). The approach is applied across all disciplines. In art, they might look at image manipulation. In mathematics, the misleading presentation of statistics. In science, claims about the Covid-19 vaccines. Media literacy, of course, takes time, if one goes down the Finnish route. The generations of 'silver surfers' (and much younger), who have never considered media literacy, are perhaps a more intractable problem?

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  The cuts in USAID will have devastating effects on vaccination programmes in many parts of the world (