Monday, 1 May 2023

It Doesn't Come Out in the Sport's Greenwash?

A number of the middle-east Petrochemical billionaires (and others) have invested/are investing some of their substantial wealth to purchase English Premier League football ('soccer') clubs. Perhaps they have 'seen the writing on the wall'? They may recognise that oil and gas, although currently booming as 'nice, little earniers', have a real image problem. Global heating and the consequent climate change emergency, will continue to make these fossil fuels increasingly unacceptable. What better, than to invest your wealth in 'sport'? Everyone likes 'sport', with its high media profile and positive images! Football and other 'sports', however, also generate enormous 'carbon footprints'. Flying sportsfolk, their support staff, equipment to events, releases copious volumes of 'greenhouse gases', high into the atmosphere. These emissions, of course, are greatly augmented, when such events are 'international' and the sport's equipment includes things like formula one racing cars! The emissions' created by the fans, encouraged to personally attend each event, must also be added to the 'footprint'. The media 'circus' and advertisers following the teams around, also don't arrive without creating emissions. The petrochemical billionaires (and other 'investors') simply appear to be exchanging one emissions-heavy activity for another! Perhaps the true contributions of sports and other forms of entertainment are due to be fully evaluated?

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