Thursday, 25 May 2023

Seeing the Changes 1801

Lots of new seasonal flora and fauna at Crymlyn Burrows. Pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis); Yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor); Marsh cranesbill (Geranium palustre); Wild pansy (Viola tricolor); Fen ragwort (Senecio paludosus); Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) and Black knapweed (Centaurea nigra) were all in bloom. Critters included Common blue damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum); Cryptocephalus hypochaeridis and Oedemera nobilis beetles; and Small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus); female Common blue (Polyommatus icarus); Small copper (Lycaena phlaeas); male Orange tip (Anthocharis cardamines); Small blue (Cupido minimus) and male Common blue butterflies. All watched over by a Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis).

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