Thursday, 4 March 2021

Air Time?

The UK government can't claim to have been unaware of the profound health damage resulting from exposure to toxic air. There have been many studies detailing the detrimental effects of air pollution. Upper limits for atmospheric gases and particulates have been in place for many years. The Court of Justice of the EU have recently ruled, in a case started before Brexit, that the UK has 'systematically and 'persistently' broken legal limits on toxic air pollution ( The court found that levels of nitrogen dioxide (mainly from diesel vehicles), had been illegally high in 75% of urban areas in the UK, for (at least) a decade. Although the UK have left the EU, they could still face financial penalties, if they don't take urgent action to comply. The legal costs incurred by the European Commission in bringing the case, have been awarded against the UK. I know it can be difficult to deal with the motoring lobby, but there really is no longer an excuse for not doing something about air pollution in our towns and cities.

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