Saturday, 28 October 2023

Rocked By the Clock?

It's almost time for the UK to make its annual switch from British Summer Time (BST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The process is referred to as 'daylight saving'. Basically, GMT delivers longer morning and shorter evening light, whereas BST does the opposite. Kit Yates (University of Bath) reviews studies about the human impact of daylight saving ( It's a complex story, with daylight saving switches, in diverse studies, influencing accidents; amounts of exercise; crime; economic activity; human health; sleep etc., etc. In 2019, the European Union scrapped mandatory daylight saving. Yates notes, however, that the Brexit Brits are currently unlikely to consider that option. Opinion is divided on whether to continue with or drop daylight saving. Even if there was agreement to switch, he wonders whether they would go for GMT or BST?

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