Monday, 8 April 2024

Somethings In the Air, Tonight!

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) has confirmed that, in 2023, three important 'greenhouse gases' reached record highs. This is really bad news for global heating and resulting climate change ( Atmospheric carbon dioxide is largely produced, by burning fossil fuel (coal; oil and gas); animal agriculture and deforestation. Methane is largely released into the air, by oil and gas drilling; the burping of ruminant cattle and melting permafrost. Nitrous oxide is liberated by the (often excessive) application of nitrogenous fertilizer and the internal combustion engine. Noaa have estimated the current atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide; methane and nitrous oxide as being respectively, circa 420 parts per million (ppm); 419 parts per billion (ppb) and 336 ppb. There's no indication that these numbers will do anything but continue to climb. Cop meetings continue to achieve little, except producing 'carbon footprints' for 'delegate' travel. For example, the US meat and dairy lobby has just announced feeling 'excited' and 'enthusiastic' about their industry prospects, following Cop28. That Dubai meeting, agonised long and hard about agriculture, but set no binding targets. The need to reduce herds of cattle and sheep, hardly merited a mention. 'Big oil' continues to drill for oil and gas. Methane is a 'greenhouse gas' 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide!

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Helpful Herb

  Over-use of fertilizers, by farmers, degrades soil. Run-off from their fields also produces damaging eutrophication in rivers, streams and...