Saturday, 10 August 2024

A Highly Subsidised Wood-Burning Stove?

In days of yore, North Yorkshire's Drax was a massive coal-fired, electricity-generating plant. With the need to reduce UK 'greenhouse gas' emissions, it subsequently received subsidies, to convert/operate by burning 'biomass'. The subsidies totalled approximately £22bn. The 'biomass' consists largely of wood chips, much of which are imported from North America. The climate thinktank, Ember, have now 'fingered' Drax as the UK's largest emitter of 'greenhouse gases' in 2023. Ember suggest this 'biomass power station' now has four times the emissions of a former UK coal-fired plant ( In spite of claims, burning biomass isn't just a case of carbon dioxide in (by photosynthesis) being balanced by carbon dioxide out. Wood has less sulphur than coal but it still produces health-damaging PPM particulates (like a wood-burning stove). Drax's 'carbon footprint' is further worsened by its import of North American wood chips. Marine transport also generates substantial ammounts of 'greenhouse gas' emissions. The folk operating Drax dispute the figures but the basic message is clear. Drax is clearly the UK's largest 'greenwashing' plant!

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