Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Too Hot and Smokey in Europe's 'Kitchen'?

Strangely, Europe is heating up faster than other areas of the globe. Globally, 2023 was currently the planet's hottest year, on record. It's now estimated that heatwaves that year resulted in 50,000 European excess premature deaths (https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/12/heat-aggravated-by-carbon-pollution-killed-50000-in-europe-last-year-study). Heatwave-related deaths varied from country to country. Some mortality was directly caused by heat stroke but other deaths resulted from air pollution (the particulates generated by fires). The heatwaves are, of course, anthropogenic (clearly exaccerbated by human activity). If things are not to get very much worse, Europeans need to show more urgency in their attempts to limit climate change. Sadly, there are still many politicians and 'influencers' willing to deny that humans have any role in climate change. Some folk will do anything for votes or clicks. 2024, is expected to be even hotter than 2023.

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