Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Getting Them Licked?

The UK's Royal Society of Chemistry; Institute of Physics; Royal Society of Biology and Association for Science Education, have urged changes to the National Curriculum for primary schoolchildren (3-11 year olds) in England. They advocate all children being given common experiences. These include licking an iced lolly; kneading bread dough; digging in soil; planting vegetables and playing with shadows (https://www.theguardian.com/education/article/2024/aug/20/add-ice-lolly-licking-to-england-primary-school-curriculum-urge-scientists). The advocates think getting these common experiences, helps implant fundamental scientific concepts into young minds. They also believe, it will 'level the playing field', reducing differences between the children from privilaged backgrounds and their poorer counterparts. Small steps but could be useful?

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