Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Ham Strung?

Globally, more than 400 million people have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This blood sugar disorder, is a leading cause of blindness; kidney failure; coronary heart disease; strokes, as well as amputations of the lower limbs. Type 2 diabetes is, consequently, a very considerable (and growing) drain on health service provision in many countries. Developing this condition, is largely down to life-style. Diet and exercise are major factors. A world-wide survey of almost 2 million subjests, concludes that eating 2 slices of ham per day, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 15% ( The authors of the study's report, point the finger at the consumption of processed red meat (notably bacon; ham and certain types of sausage). This is not an unreasonable conclusion. It's, however, difficult to be very precise about links in this area. Two million sounds a large number but it's tiny compared to the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The figure must, of course, have been based on folk considered to be at risk of developing the condition (perhaps by being overweight and sedentary). Individuals in the study would also have had to accurately report their dietary intakes. Folk generally aren't good at this. Type 2 diabetes also, of course, occurs in countries with religious objections to consuming pork products. What processed red meats are risk factors in those locations? It's certainly the case, that being overweight; having a poor diet and failing to take regular exercise, all increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It would be unfortunate if, on the basis of this study, folk thought that cutting out sliced ham was all they needed to do!

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