Sunday, 25 August 2024

Turnout Gear For Firefighters Shouldn't Be More Deadly Than the Fires!

Per and PolyFluoroAlkyl Substances (PFASs) are a 'family' of circa 1500 synthetic chemicals. They're used to make a vast variety of products, water/stain-resistant and/or non-stick. Collectively, PFASs are known as 'forever chemicals'. This is because, they don't breakdown in the environment. This, predictably, means PFASs accummulate in ecosystems and human bodies. These 'forever chemicals' have been strongly linked to a variety of human health problems, including cancers; kidney problems; liver disease; immune disorders and even birth defects. PFASs are now almost ubiquitous ( Between 2002 and 2019, around 66% of US firefighter deaths were linked to PFASs. Firefighter protective gear (jackets; pants; boots; gloves etc.) are all currently heavily impregnated with these 'forever chemicals'. When tackling blazes, firefighters can spend a long (and sweaty?) hours in their protective gear. This, of course, increases their exposure to these problematic chemicals. Two US states will, in future, ban the use of PFASs in firefighter's protective gear. Massachusetts and Connecticut will bring in their bans by 2027 and 2028, respectively. This, of course, just underlines the general importance of reducing PFAS exposure for all! These chemicals should be phased out. They shouldn't, for example, continue to be used to treat the cardboard containers of certain fast foods!

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