Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Can't Pay: Won't Pay!

Since 1980, sea surface temperatures in the South-West Pacific have risen three times faster than the global average. The number of marine heatwaves have also doubled in frequency in that time. Rising sea levels threaten low-laying island nations. In spite of being very vulnerable to anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change, the Pacific island nations, make little contribution to 'greenhouse gas' emissions. At the Pacific Island Forum, the UN chief will make what's becoming a routine plea for a 'massive' increase in finance and support for countries most threatened by rising sea levels (https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/27/a-crisis-entirely-of-humanitys-making-un-chief-issues-climate-sos-on-trip-to-pacific). Equity (fairness) is a major issue in debates about who should pay to counter the climate crisis. One of the oddities of climate change, is that its drivers and its victims sit in different 'boxes'. Forty-nine percent of 'greenhouse gas' emissions, are generated by the world's richest 10%. Even within that 10%, there are, of course, some mega emitters. These are the billionaires with multiple homes, private jets and super yachts. The poorest 50% (around 4 billion) of folk, only generate around 10% of emissions. Many of that richest 10%, are prepared, however, to argue, they can't afford to pay to clean up what's essentially their own mess. This isn't equity!

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Birder's Bonus 241

Noted a Curlew ( Numenius arquata ) on the Loughor estuary at Bynea.